Hire Locally
Our watch not only covers the environment but also the community of Koh Yao Noi. Whether through direct employment or involvement and support for local events and schools, we want any success at our resorts to be reflected in the improvement of the quality of life in our community.
95% of the resort’s working staff is employed directly from the local community
Children's Day
Suppling local events with prizes for the local children such as toys, school supplies and bikes.

Red Cross
Donate linens, cushions and supplies regularly to local outfits and provide additional aid when local disasters strike.
Local School
Teaming up with partners such as SKAL and Bangkok Airways to convert our old water tanks in toilets, the building of a new canteen, and a washroom for the prayer room, in addition to other donations such as school supplies and computers for the children.
Hornbill Watch

CSR Activities
Full list of our current and past activities and programs.

Waste Management
Minimizing our negative impact by sorting, recycling and upcycling waste where ever we can.

Environmental Commitment
Our local environment is precious to us. We are committed to preserving it by reducing our impact on it, but trying to find ways to make it stronger and healthier.